Published: 08/19/2022 - 8:00 AM
Thank you to our partners at Walmart for their contributions to our childcare programs!
The Greater Philadelphia YMCA would like to extend its sincere gratitude for Walmart’s $20,000 financial contribution to our efforts to battle food insecurity and fill the hunger gap. Walmart’s funding has provided crucial infrastructural support that has allowed us to expand our food service throughout twelve distribution sites, in our branches, and in communities across the city and region. We have served approximately 92,800 meals and snacks over the 6 month period, making sure children and families are adequately fed so that their bodies and minds can thrive.
Food insecurity is an urgent challenge in the Philadelphia region. Philadelphia is one of the poorest major cities in the country, and even among the wealthiest neighborhoods, there are many low-income families struggling to secure adequate, consistent nutrition. The YMCA demonstrates its commitment to inclusivity not only by offering financial assistance to our branches and programs, but also by making sure that all those gathered at the Y are taken care of when they visit. Food service requires substantial, ongoing funding, and Walmart has played an important role in allowing our food programs to grow and flourish.
This financial support has allowed us to operate:
- Meals cooked on-site for Early Learning Centers (full-day child care and preschool) at our Pottstown and Phoenixville locations
- Warm meals for Pre-K Counts programs at our Gilbertsville and Rocky Run locations
- Infrastructure to administer meals through our Nutritional Development Services (NDS) partnership at Early Learning Centers and Out of School Time programs at our city branches: Christian Street, Columbia North, Roxborough, and West Philadelphia
- Summer food service to the local low-income region surrounding our camp facilities at Camp Speers in the Pocono, PA area
- A food bank in partnership with the Women’s Opportunity Center in Delran, NJ
Walmart’s financial contribution helps to sustain crucial operating costs. Without this donation, we would be unable to carry out this important work. Having the resources to provide fair pay, quality training, and professional development to our staff allows our food program to be safe, welcoming, and affirming for the children and families we serve. Materials and equipment that can be difficult to maintain – such as the iPads we were able to furnish for managing inventory and expenses – can make a world of difference in operating an effective and reliable food service program.
Thank you, Walmart, for your dedication to serving our local communities and providing support to the Greater Philadelphia YMCA’s childcare and food service programs.
Check out the impact the YMCA has on the Greater Philadelphia area: